you the 411 on my plans with the ponies after summer. It's not the best story in the world, so if you are looking for an upbeat story or informative jargon then this might not interest you.
So, I have now had two offers to university, me being
What's happening with blue hoofprints? Truthfully can't answer that question. It is unlikely the blog and YouTube channel will continue, :(. The chances of me or someone else continuing are slim, at least for Blue. I did say in the past that I would shoot tons of footage in summer to then use to make videos in uni, I may try to do this just to take me to the end of the year but I can't make promises. None of you know that this blog was actually a new years resolution, it would be nice to complete the year at least. The chance for me to start a new blog on a completely different world is quite likely. I am thinking a nerdy, Dr who, glee review kinda thing or maybe life of a student nurse thing, maybe even both! I don't know how hectic my life will be when I leave, I know it will be but maybe, I could still have an internet life? Can't live with phan, cherimon, hopeimon, glitter bits, zoella and Marcus, malfie and the harries twins! If someone has any requests please send them in.
Righto, this isn't goodbye its just a little gap where I'm afraid I will not be posting anything for around a month, I truthfully I am really sorry but I simply have to pass my exams. My last exam is on 31st of May and it's very unlikely I will post something until that point, sorry :( but as soon as that date comes along I will make sure I make an update just telling you guys my plans and any new developments.
So, that is pretty much it, some depressing video will be up soon, sorry about that.
See you soon, love you. Adios lads x
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