So I finally gave Blue his first bath of the summer :D
This was a proper TLC filled day of soap and brushes, I was thinking I would explain how I did everything and if you have a highland or a long maned pony this is how you get your pony prepped for a competition or outing.
1. Bath! Clean everywhere with shampoo, bum, back, belly, everything! I got a new Lincoln shampoo which I was disappointed with its texture and foam but it's actual dirt exterminating ability was decent, not amazing, but decent. Make sure you scrub all those nasty stains away and that you leave no dirt trails. I am able to hose Blue down thankfully and this is the best way to rise away the dirt, shampoo and foam.
2. Feather, make sure their feather is clean and brushed, I would then comb it. Make sure that it is floaty and free of dirt and dust.
3. Mane. Wash their mane thoroughly, get right into every single layer of it and make sure that the bed of it is free of dirt. I then after it had been washed and dried sprayed some baby oil on it, now this is good for competition but attracts more dirt to the mane, its a good idea to use it to condition the night before the show.
4. Hooves. Make sure that the hair all the way down to the hoof is clean and then clean the hooves. Once the hooves are dry and mud free I coated them in Carr and Day and Martin hoof oil. The oil stinks but is brilliant! Make sure when you are applying it that you don't get it on your pony's clean legs. Try to minimise the amount of dirt and hair surrounding the hooves when applying and drying the oil and also when you are cleaning the hooves.
5. Tail. Do similar with the tail as you did with the mane ( I didn't actually wash the tail shhh don't tell). If you need to cut the tail, if your at a competition it's nice to just give it the tiniest of trips to make it straight. Again, I would suggest defo putting the baby oil in the night before or earlier, no later.
That's pretty much it. If any of you know of a cheap-ish shampoo that is absolutely amazing feel free to comment or email to bluehoofprints@gmail.com as I will be buying a different sort next time. Have fun in the sun, there are plenty of new videos up of the Royal Highland Show on the youtube so feel free to check in there. Thanks for reading xx adios x