A day in the life...
Hello peeps :)
So I tend to wake up vaguely around 9.30 (9.26 today precisely). After I wake up and check the time I walk over to one of my windows to look out for the ponies, today I only saw Blue who was just outside the house. If my room is tidy, which it kind of is today, I only really need half an hour to get myself sorted but guess what? I am lazy! So I spent an hour watching YouTube with my cereal and doing my hair etc. So I went out and all the jumps had been tampered with.. I think they have been using the jumps for a scratching posts which I guess is okay, it just means that there is more work for me. It took me a good 20 mins to get the two jumps up since the ground is so uneven! That brings us to 10.50.
I then decided to go through to a neighbour's field where the ponies shall be staying in soon, for a week or so. There is a patch of ground with melted metal and various dangerous sharp objects which the ponies can't go anywhere near. I couldn't find the white plastic stobs to make a temporary fence, I then found only 2 intact! Safe to say that after all of that searching its annoying that I am now going to have to use jump stands to complete the fence.
As you can see from the picture the area is quite small which makes it more annoying as if it was bigger it would make more sense to run a line from the fence around it but its too far away to cut away that much of the field. Either way the ponies shall not be in contact with the lethal junk which lies there. That entire process took over half an hour and it was 11.30 by the time I got in again. Then had a half hour tea break and then received a huge amount of paper work had arrived and spent 3/4 hour going through it and seeing what I need to do to organise uni etc. I then spent a while writing this and then went and got some lunch. Beans on bagel nom nom nom!

At around 1.20 I went and got my lovely bridle and began to clean it :) It's such a long and tedious job since you need to take everything apart and then put it all back again but my new bridle was getting grubby and it was needed. I use Belvoir tack cleaner and conditioner but I recently have ordered a lincoln tack cleaner which I am excited for it to arrive. A good tip with cleaning your bit is to lay it in warm water, clean the rest while it soaks and then scrub it at the end, this allows all the grim and grass stuck on the end of the bit to soften and come off easily. Another tip is when you are putting it back together try placing it on your own head and aligning everything as if you were the horse. This means that the buckles and billets are more likely to be put back the right way round. I would suggest doing the bridle up normally and then putting martingale/breastplate/daisy rein on it when you are tacking up.

At 2.00 I went and got Blue from the field, it was weird, he decided as I let him walk himself to the gate that he would canter over the gravel and buck into me as I grabbed the lead rope, think he got a bit excited..
I then got to work on his mucky legs, the picture shows the left one done and right one about to be... he is such a mucky pony!! It took a while and I do take pride in his tail and feather but I got him looking less muddy and only little dusty. In the same order as the tack cleaner is shampoo which I can't wait to get since he really does need a deep clean! Blue is such a good lad when it comes to standing in the stable to be groomed. I always said I never wanted a grey (can I just point out that was my 9 year old thinking and I wasn't a spoilt brat) and not only did I end up with a grey but a HIGHLAND!! A BOG PONY!! When I was doing the jumps I actually saw the both of them in the bog but they got out and I made sure they didn't go back in.. once they go there I try and get their legs to dry so I can brush them off since I have no shampoo.

By around 2.35 I had a tidy pony with the best tail ever! I tacked him up in his newly cleaned bridle and his reasonably cleaned saddle. He looks so lovely in his matching tack, I can't wait for his new stuff to arrive... I was going to list it all but I will just make a haul since I have quite a lot of stuff coming. We just went out for a short hack because I stupidly timed it that if we stayed too long then we would be attacked by buses, one at 3.50, one at 4.10, one at 4.20 and one at 4.40... so that was rubbish! I got out by 2.55, after calling dad to say that I would be an hour and if I didn't call back after 4.30 then "I was dead" (over-dramatic Kate moment). I had a really nice hack out and blue had a conversation with a sheep and a few other ponies on route. I didn't go on outback because it was raining in the night and his legs had just been done. Blue didn't want to leave Shannon to begin with and was quite lively on the way back so we actually ended up out of the village by about 3.40 which was good, then we had a lovely gallop home :) That bit was timed well since if I had been early there would have been my neighbour coming home from school and later I would have been caught by the buses.

When I got back I took Blue's saddle off and took him for a bareback wander around the diet field to cool down. The wind went mental.. super strong so the wander was fairly short. Blue was also super hungry and even though its a "diet field" its not had any ponies in it for months so it has better grass than the big field! I took him out and let him loose into the big field with his mummy. I then got in around 4.15 and put everything away. I crashed and burned in my bed around 4.30, I don't know why I am so tired! I had a bit of a rubbish nights sleep but nothing too bad. Weird.
Excuse the hat hair, I was too lazy to get a hair brush and do it..
Living next to the horses has its pros and cons. Pros being that I can do whatever I like and go to the loo, get a drink, have a seat and watch TV. Cons being that it increases my laziness and procrastination. I then went and found the most amazing thing ever, it perked me right up and was a reason to get excited.... it was... an... ICECREAM!
Excuse the face.. |
I think that is it, its 5.40 now (6.00 actual upload) and I think I might have a snooze and then get some dinner later, I was going to do more today but the ground was wet and I also was under the assumption that my horsey delivery stuff would arrive today. Sorry for this fail of a post :) Adios!
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