Friday, 9 August 2013


How freaking SCARY is this? 

I have not only got into university, but got over and above my SQA conditions of my first choice! This means I am going up north! :O I spent the entire results day in complete confusion, and still now, I don't understand how I got the grades that I did! I am going into nursing, if you guys didn't already know, I was and am still thinking of doing a nursing blog/youtube, but, confidentiality is key in the job and even though I know fine well that I can keep it, others (such as employers) might not. Anyhoo, no decisions yet, will make one pretty soon though! 

So, the horses? My dad still hasn't decided what we want to do, so this subject remains a mystery. Sorry, believe me, I want to know as much as you do, what will happen with them, but I guess decisions need to be made, just not by me. As soon as I know, at what arrangement is set in stone, I will tell you guys. I can tell you this, I (Myself, not my father) am not keeping him and riding him. Someone else will be his sole rider after I leave. 

That said, I do plan to go to a riding school preferably every week, to get my dose of horses I need to keep me happy. Someone said something weird to me the other day, "horses are a means to get sucked into to a world". Well, this is true, but, its built in to me that it is great and fun. But, I am slightly obsessed. The meaning of a horse is so great to me, is offers the same commitment as religion. You are giving your life and soul to another animal, sitting on its back! Anyhoo, deep rant over, sorry, that got weird... So, yeah, riding lessons! Its seems a good way to ride but not have the commitment (nursing placements can be anywhere) and not too expensive, plus I get to really focus on my riding!

Righto! So, uni, horses, moving out! It's all happening, this is why I haven't been posting anything recently, sorry x I will try to post more but this blog may go silent soon :(
Anyhoo, all happyness and cheer all round x Adios :)

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