So, Blue needs to be prepped up a bit for working with the RDA. Now, not having an arena makes this difficult but as I work at an RDA I know what the horses go through so here is a list of what I am going to bombproof Blue with. (Blue is generally already bomb-proofed, I'm just ensuring it)
1. Children (LOUD CHILDREN). So, one thing is for certain, he needs to be good with kids so I have had an array of small and big kids on him.
2. Noises and bangs. Lots of stuff goes on at RDA's and generally its a bustling centre that will be filled with lots of noise. I've just been slamming doors and have sound effects on my ipod that I play around Blue.
3. Alarms. One thing I hadn't really realised was that it's inevitable that the centre will have a fire alarm. So I stuck alarm sounds on my ipod and played them at him and he is getting pretty good with them.
4. Being surrounded by people and having to stand still. Horses need to stand at the block for several minutes while you get the rider on and then can have several people surrounding them in lessons. I've simulated this with Blue and he has taken it in his stride.
5. Lopsided riders. A lot of the time, riders cannot hold themselves well on horses so they slip and slide. I have tackled simulating this buy riding blue in very long stirrups and having one considerably longer then the other and he is perfect with this.
All in all, Blue has been perfect in every situation and without a doubt will become an amazing RDA pony. I am visiting the centre on Tuesday and then if all goes well getting Blue up in a few weeks. Its all really exciting and I would be so happy to see Blue thrive at the place like there, but I will miss the lovely boy! Anyway, I'm sure when the time comes I will be chuffed that he is going to such a good home.
Adios x
Blue Hoofprints
Blue Hoofprints
"Riding: The art of keeping a horse between you and the ground"
Sunday, 12 October 2014
Thursday, 2 October 2014
Hello my sweet button pancakes!
Ok, I think it's official. I am the WORST blogger in the history of blogging, I'm so sorry that I have left it this long yet again and still don't have a proper post out for you guys. Lets call it writers block.. so here is a wee update on Blue's future and I promise you guys that on Sunday I will have a proper post concerning this. Again, I am SO sorry that I have been neglecting you guys.
Riding for the Disabled. As some of you may know I am working at a riding for the disabled centre and after my first few weeks of working there and toying with the idea of loaning Blue to a RDA I was sold on the idea. Blue is a very trustworthy, calm horse and I know that he would thrive in a place like RDA, he has a lovely slow pace and takes all his vulnerable riders under his wing and takes really good care of them. The centre I am at is actually filled to the brim with horses and also its likely that my dad will be moving out of the area in the next few years so I went on a mission to find a RDA near my university (of which I will be returning next spring).
All went well, and once I have visited the centre then Blue shall be moving there to become a RDA pony. It all seems like a too good to be true deal for both the centre and myself. So this is the next step for Blue's future. I can't wait to see the place and then hopefully send him there and watch him grow into an amazing, useful RDA pony!
Stay tuned for a training plan post coming out in the next wee while xx
Adios x
Riding for the Disabled. As some of you may know I am working at a riding for the disabled centre and after my first few weeks of working there and toying with the idea of loaning Blue to a RDA I was sold on the idea. Blue is a very trustworthy, calm horse and I know that he would thrive in a place like RDA, he has a lovely slow pace and takes all his vulnerable riders under his wing and takes really good care of them. The centre I am at is actually filled to the brim with horses and also its likely that my dad will be moving out of the area in the next few years so I went on a mission to find a RDA near my university (of which I will be returning next spring).
All went well, and once I have visited the centre then Blue shall be moving there to become a RDA pony. It all seems like a too good to be true deal for both the centre and myself. So this is the next step for Blue's future. I can't wait to see the place and then hopefully send him there and watch him grow into an amazing, useful RDA pony!
Stay tuned for a training plan post coming out in the next wee while xx
Adios x
Sunday, 14 September 2014
Hello There Strangers!
Thought I would actually give you guys a look in, I am so sorry I haven't posted in a while, I guess life just gets busy busy busy!
Anyway, here we go, wee post on my new job x
So, as you may know, I have taken a year out of my nursing training to get my head back in the zone, part of this involves getting me back to working.I decided to start working at a local Riding for the Disabled centre. The centre is lovely, filled with fantastic horses and the nicest staff. So here are a few funny stories since I started at the centre.
The Mistaken Stallion
Now, I do know what a stallion looks like, however, I generally aren't working with them. So, when I
saw a pony with a rather large hmhm it struck my mind that he looked like a stallion, I spoke to a fellow helper and he told me that this handsome pony was indeed a stallion. I did think it rather strange that they would have a stallion in classes and thought maybe he was on loan and his owners didn't want him to have the snip. Safe to say, when I mentioned it to one of the staff instructors I was mortified to be corrected. Said instructor must have thought I was a bit of a weirdo, checking out the pony's junk! and being mistaken when I really should know better.... gawd... think my face was a red as the sun!
Nerd Alert!
A very kind lady donated a huge bunch of horsey goodies for the centre after she lost her horse. We had bins and bins of bits and boots, and at the bottom of one I found a chifney bit, the instructor asked us all "who knows what this is?" I literally swung my hand in the air and was like "It's an anti-rearing bit!"...... Oh Kate............ why do I go out my way to embarrass myself? To top it all off, I think that the instructor was really asking the vet students, who were there learn, not me who is just an old dog when it comes to certain things.
Well, that's me, sorry for the ramble, just really failing this blog I'm afraid, hopefully next week I will be a bit more organised and have something good to say. Right, take care of yourselfs x
Adios x
Anyway, here we go, wee post on my new job x
So, as you may know, I have taken a year out of my nursing training to get my head back in the zone, part of this involves getting me back to working.I decided to start working at a local Riding for the Disabled centre. The centre is lovely, filled with fantastic horses and the nicest staff. So here are a few funny stories since I started at the centre.

Now, I do know what a stallion looks like, however, I generally aren't working with them. So, when I
saw a pony with a rather large hmhm it struck my mind that he looked like a stallion, I spoke to a fellow helper and he told me that this handsome pony was indeed a stallion. I did think it rather strange that they would have a stallion in classes and thought maybe he was on loan and his owners didn't want him to have the snip. Safe to say, when I mentioned it to one of the staff instructors I was mortified to be corrected. Said instructor must have thought I was a bit of a weirdo, checking out the pony's junk! and being mistaken when I really should know better.... gawd... think my face was a red as the sun!
Nerd Alert!
A very kind lady donated a huge bunch of horsey goodies for the centre after she lost her horse. We had bins and bins of bits and boots, and at the bottom of one I found a chifney bit, the instructor asked us all "who knows what this is?" I literally swung my hand in the air and was like "It's an anti-rearing bit!"...... Oh Kate............ why do I go out my way to embarrass myself? To top it all off, I think that the instructor was really asking the vet students, who were there learn, not me who is just an old dog when it comes to certain things.
Well, that's me, sorry for the ramble, just really failing this blog I'm afraid, hopefully next week I will be a bit more organised and have something good to say. Right, take care of yourselfs x
Adios x
Tuesday, 29 July 2014
Blue's Recovery from the Worst Bout Of Laminitis and Trying to go Barefoot
Hello my lovely little dumplings, finally after a long time I thought I would do a proper blog post for once! I
do have to say however, the lack of posts in the past 3 weeks has actually been more of a technological fault then anything else. The technological fault being yours truly pouring a whole mug of milky, sweet coffee all over my keyboard and then proceeding to flip my laptop in the air in the hope to remove the liquid. However, give me time to order a new keyboard and a YouTube video to install it and I am good to go! Side note, I think the pound sign is hiding from me on a UK keyboard as I accidentally cheated on it with $ on my US keyboard.
Anyway, back to Blue. In all the drama of everything recently I don't think I properly explained what happened with Blue and how he is getting on now. So, Blue came down with laminitis and we discovered that he was suffering from equine metabolic syndrome. The poor man spent a week in "prison" with only a small amount of soaked hay as his diet. After that he became sound and I was happy to let him go out to a very restricted pasture with a muzzle. His recovery in his feet was very slow actually and he is still recovering I am afraid to say. I thought it was best to take his shoes off to allow his hooves to heal up (pun intented hehe). This, however, back-fired on me, as his hooves were very sensitive as his instep had fallen. We got front shoes on him and that seems to have helped dramatically but still quite sensitive on rough terrain.
We are on the slow road of recovery with it (again, pun intended hehe such fun!) and slowly but surely his hooves are becoming less sensitive each day. It doesn't help by the fact that back home we have the worst sharp stones on our road out that even I find painful to walk on if I'm in plimsolls. He is getting there and he is going perfectly on grass now. He has been getting rather bored so I've had a no working out in the fields ban so that he gets out and about rather than p***d off with being ridden in his dining room.
Another aspect of his life has changed, which is, his diet. We have been testing the waters with how much grazing we can let Blue out to without causing a flare up of laminitis and ensuring that his sugar levels don't rocket. Thankfully, now we are home, we have the bad quality grass on our side. Our grass is over 20 years old if not 30 and has very low sugar levels, even in the sun! So Blue has been coping fine with going out to the whole field for a couple of days, sometimes even without a muzzle! With a muzzle I think Blue could stay in the whole field full time. This is yet to be tested as we spent a week away and I put him in the diet field then, didn't want any flare ups while no-one was around to deal with it. (I will add, I did have a friend check on him but if there had been an issue then they wouldn't have been able to handle it). The wee man is back in the whole field again and happy as Larry so I think we are going to find a happy compromise with space but muzzle.
All in all, all positive stuff with Blue. I've not made a video in a very long time just as I am more focused on making him better than shoving a camera in his face. Thank-you so much for staying with me through this all. I have come to the decision to take time out until next may from uni, just to get my life back together and prepare for going back. Until I go back, I will be having Blue and Shannon here and hopefully working at a Riding For the Disabled Centre. It combines my 2 passions care and horses so ideal! Right I need to go, now I'm home and not working yet, I need to cook dinner for that family :) I may not be an amazing cook but at least mum left me some recipes to make the food tasty :) nom nom!
Adios Amigos x
Right now there is a nationwide call out that we take laminitis very seriously and if any of our beloved equines suffer from it we should get them tested for EMS and Cushing's disease (free lab fees are being offered currently). Now, it may seem silly to do so, but tried and tried to get blood from Blue and finally once we persevered it payed off. We know what we are dealing with now and everything is working out so please don't be afraid to get your vet out and get your pony tested.
do have to say however, the lack of posts in the past 3 weeks has actually been more of a technological fault then anything else. The technological fault being yours truly pouring a whole mug of milky, sweet coffee all over my keyboard and then proceeding to flip my laptop in the air in the hope to remove the liquid. However, give me time to order a new keyboard and a YouTube video to install it and I am good to go! Side note, I think the pound sign is hiding from me on a UK keyboard as I accidentally cheated on it with $ on my US keyboard.
We are on the slow road of recovery with it (again, pun intended hehe such fun!) and slowly but surely his hooves are becoming less sensitive each day. It doesn't help by the fact that back home we have the worst sharp stones on our road out that even I find painful to walk on if I'm in plimsolls. He is getting there and he is going perfectly on grass now. He has been getting rather bored so I've had a no working out in the fields ban so that he gets out and about rather than p***d off with being ridden in his dining room.
Another aspect of his life has changed, which is, his diet. We have been testing the waters with how much grazing we can let Blue out to without causing a flare up of laminitis and ensuring that his sugar levels don't rocket. Thankfully, now we are home, we have the bad quality grass on our side. Our grass is over 20 years old if not 30 and has very low sugar levels, even in the sun! So Blue has been coping fine with going out to the whole field for a couple of days, sometimes even without a muzzle! With a muzzle I think Blue could stay in the whole field full time. This is yet to be tested as we spent a week away and I put him in the diet field then, didn't want any flare ups while no-one was around to deal with it. (I will add, I did have a friend check on him but if there had been an issue then they wouldn't have been able to handle it). The wee man is back in the whole field again and happy as Larry so I think we are going to find a happy compromise with space but muzzle.
All in all, all positive stuff with Blue. I've not made a video in a very long time just as I am more focused on making him better than shoving a camera in his face. Thank-you so much for staying with me through this all. I have come to the decision to take time out until next may from uni, just to get my life back together and prepare for going back. Until I go back, I will be having Blue and Shannon here and hopefully working at a Riding For the Disabled Centre. It combines my 2 passions care and horses so ideal! Right I need to go, now I'm home and not working yet, I need to cook dinner for that family :) I may not be an amazing cook but at least mum left me some recipes to make the food tasty :) nom nom!
Adios Amigos x
Right now there is a nationwide call out that we take laminitis very seriously and if any of our beloved equines suffer from it we should get them tested for EMS and Cushing's disease (free lab fees are being offered currently). Now, it may seem silly to do so, but tried and tried to get blood from Blue and finally once we persevered it payed off. We know what we are dealing with now and everything is working out so please don't be afraid to get your vet out and get your pony tested.
Wednesday, 9 July 2014
Hi guys
I need to start this off by saying sorry for not posting in the last few months. I am so sorry I have been neglecting you. I'm afraid after all the effort with Blue being up with me and attempting nursing placement far away from uni and home I have crashed and burned. It's safe to say my assumption that I could cope with everything after mum passing was optimistic to say the least. My life has been an absolute rollarcoaster recently, not the fun type though. I spent four weeks travelling from uni and placement constantly switching from nursing patients on ward to nursing and managing Blue. I was struggling under the pressure and my on ward mentor was a great support to tell me that I needed time out to get myself back together.
So, a couple of weeks ago Blue and I, both came home. To be honest it seemed like an absolute disaster and I am still pretty negative about everything but I thought I owed you guys an explanation. You guys have still stayed with me in this quiet period and all the hits I see coming in even when I haven't posted in months is the sweetest. Thank-you everyone. You are all amazing peeps and I couldn't ask for better.
Now, I can't promise you anything since my life is still up in the air but what I can say is that I am not dissappearing x Please stay with me until I find my feet again x Thank-you
Adios Amigos xxx
I managed to break my laptop so my youtube has been very quiet as I have all my footage and work in progress videos saved on that but hopefully in a week or so that shall be all sorted and I will have something up. Thank-you x

So, a couple of weeks ago Blue and I, both came home. To be honest it seemed like an absolute disaster and I am still pretty negative about everything but I thought I owed you guys an explanation. You guys have still stayed with me in this quiet period and all the hits I see coming in even when I haven't posted in months is the sweetest. Thank-you everyone. You are all amazing peeps and I couldn't ask for better.
Now, I can't promise you anything since my life is still up in the air but what I can say is that I am not dissappearing x Please stay with me until I find my feet again x Thank-you
Adios Amigos xxx
I managed to break my laptop so my youtube has been very quiet as I have all my footage and work in progress videos saved on that but hopefully in a week or so that shall be all sorted and I will have something up. Thank-you x
Monday, 26 May 2014
Update.. not so awesome
Hello my happy chappies!
Afraid not amazing news about Blue, Equine Metabolic Syndrome....
Sorry I haven't updated in a while I have started my new nursing placement far away from home and it was just such a stressful time that I didn't have a chance to sit down and get back into this blog. What happened in short was, Blue came down with mild laminitis and was given danilon and a restricted paddock, 4 days later I came back from night shift came out to see Blue and he could barely walk, vets got called out again and bloods were taken. He has been diagnosed with equine metabolic syndrome which is in the same family as cushings but not nearly as severe. Hopefully, with a bit of sugar restriction it should be easy to manage. Blue has had 10 days of stable and starvation and is sound and happy and back on a very small patch of land with a muzzle strapped to his head.
Since everything seems to have settled and things appear to be on the up, I thought I would chill out and give you guys a wee update. So that's the sum of it, Blue is recovering from laminitis and we should be back in the swing of things be a week on thursday. See you then buddies x adios x
Afraid not amazing news about Blue, Equine Metabolic Syndrome....
Sorry I haven't updated in a while I have started my new nursing placement far away from home and it was just such a stressful time that I didn't have a chance to sit down and get back into this blog. What happened in short was, Blue came down with mild laminitis and was given danilon and a restricted paddock, 4 days later I came back from night shift came out to see Blue and he could barely walk, vets got called out again and bloods were taken. He has been diagnosed with equine metabolic syndrome which is in the same family as cushings but not nearly as severe. Hopefully, with a bit of sugar restriction it should be easy to manage. Blue has had 10 days of stable and starvation and is sound and happy and back on a very small patch of land with a muzzle strapped to his head.
Since everything seems to have settled and things appear to be on the up, I thought I would chill out and give you guys a wee update. So that's the sum of it, Blue is recovering from laminitis and we should be back in the swing of things be a week on thursday. See you then buddies x adios x
Tuesday, 29 April 2014
First couple of weeks at his new home
So, Blue has been here for 2 weeks and I am happy to say
that he is settling into his new life very well!
Thought I would just go through all the events Blue and I
have had since he arrived.
First time in the arena – I started by walking Blue around
the huge 3 schooling area arena and let him have a good look at everything and
get his jumps and piss arounds out. He spent the time neighing out to
neighbouring horses until I got him cantering around and he was engaged and
focused. We tried a jump and he was a bit annoying so I had to put it down but
I did get him over it J
First hack – There is this wee ½ hr hack called the block
that another girl at the yard went around. Blue was good, wee bit puzzled by
junctions and ditches but behaved really well. He is a bit like a deer in the
headlights with junctions didn’t know where to go.
His new neighbours – Blue started with a highland one side
and a big bay gelding on the other side and then another highland was added,
bay was switched with a cob and then another cob was placed nearby. Blue really
did take it all in his stride. He was a bit in love with the bay but he seems
to be coping with the separation, though I do wonder if Blue is gay though, he
was very fond of the bay.
Now, this was a biggie, FIRST ELECTROCUTION – So, I had just
been out on a hack and was putting Blue back in his field and the gate decided
to jump the electricity to his leadrope clip and it went through both of us.
SURE AS HELL CLEARED MY SYNUSES! Blue immediately leapt back and wouldn’t let
me near his head so I had to unclip his headcollar and let him run off. It was
a freaking shock and a half! The yard is huge and has tons of acreage so all
the fences are attached to the mains, and are really strong, like.. REALLY!
Anyhoo that is me, I’m sorry it took me this long to get
round to a new post, it’s been a busy past week, with uni and horses! Thanks for reading
x Adios xx
Pssttt... Just a side note
Sometimes you can have a crap day or are in a crap situation
but there will always be a time in the light and I say grab that time by the
reins and get on that bucking bronco called life! x
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