Anyway, here we go, wee post on my new job x
So, as you may know, I have taken a year out of my nursing training to get my head back in the zone, part of this involves getting me back to working.I decided to start working at a local Riding for the Disabled centre. The centre is lovely, filled with fantastic horses and the nicest staff. So here are a few funny stories since I started at the centre.

Now, I do know what a stallion looks like, however, I generally aren't working with them. So, when I
saw a pony with a rather large hmhm it struck my mind that he looked like a stallion, I spoke to a fellow helper and he told me that this handsome pony was indeed a stallion. I did think it rather strange that they would have a stallion in classes and thought maybe he was on loan and his owners didn't want him to have the snip. Safe to say, when I mentioned it to one of the staff instructors I was mortified to be corrected. Said instructor must have thought I was a bit of a weirdo, checking out the pony's junk! and being mistaken when I really should know better.... gawd... think my face was a red as the sun!
Nerd Alert!
A very kind lady donated a huge bunch of horsey goodies for the centre after she lost her horse. We had bins and bins of bits and boots, and at the bottom of one I found a chifney bit, the instructor asked us all "who knows what this is?" I literally swung my hand in the air and was like "It's an anti-rearing bit!"...... Oh Kate............ why do I go out my way to embarrass myself? To top it all off, I think that the instructor was really asking the vet students, who were there learn, not me who is just an old dog when it comes to certain things.
Well, that's me, sorry for the ramble, just really failing this blog I'm afraid, hopefully next week I will be a bit more organised and have something good to say. Right, take care of yourselfs x
Adios x
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