So lunging! It sure is a great way to exercise your horse for whatever reason you have.
Here is what you need to lunge:
For you:
Hat. Always use a hat while lunging as you could be thrown to the ground or kicked during this activity.
Boots - As muddy as you like! You will need grip when you are on your feet so make sure you have well fitting boots.
And finally, gloves. You really need gloves with good grip as the lunge rope is easy to run through your hand. Also you really want to prevent any rope burn you receive through lunging.
For the horse:
Bridle - if you are using a bridle to lunge make sure you are in a mild bit and the reins are taken off.
Cavesson - I don't have a cavesson but if you are using one make sure it fits well and will not rub and create sores.
Run the line through the inside loop and clip on the outside loop, make sure when changing direction to change the line on the bit.
You will need a good, long lunge line with complete stitching and in good condition.
Lunge whip, make sure that it is in good condition and you have a good hold of.
The actual lunging:
Okay, I'm not gonna lie my lunging arrangements are quite poor, I don't have an enclosed area and the ground isn't ironed flat. Apologies if this offends anyone, I do have pride in the safety of my ponies and assure you that what I am doing doesn't harm or upset them in any way or form. Here are general rules which I really should/do go by:
- Use an enclosed area
- Ensure the ground is flat and solid
- No other horses are in your way
- Your horse is happy in this area
- Don't use an area too small.
Urgh! Practice what you preach!
When you are lunging make a triangle with the lung rein at your horses's head, the whip behind him and you in the middle of the circle.
Try to follow your horse's withers instead of their head, this will stop you getting ahead.
NEVER HIT YOUR HORSE WITH THE WHIP. Use the whip to create sound and awareness that you are asking for a change in pace. This whip is not designed to hit your horse with and you could seriously hurt your pony.
Make sure that the lunge line has a little slack but not so legs can get tangles and not too short that you and horse and being pulled towards each other.
When lunging make clear commands through voice and whip, when results occur praise your horse (Don't let them in on the circle), when they misbehave, stay calm and collected and keep a low voice so they are aware of their wrong doings.
Thanks for reading, if you have any questions feel free to leave a comment :)
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