Hello! Long-time no see! I know, I’ve been neglecting you..
sorry! So, How are you all? Good I hope.
J Now, update about me. I am studying nursing and currently working on clinical placement!! Eek! We have been let loose on actual patients! It’s fantastic, every day different and all that
I thankfully, have a
great ward with a lovely team and all the patients have been lovely so far. I will
be finishing around Christmas and leaving the ward and going back to uni after New
Year. I had a few riding lessons while I was at uni and the place was great but
I just didn’t find it the same as going out on Blue, I’m a very independent
person and I just love the flexibility and the ability to do what I want in the
moment with Blue. I can’t wait to get back for Christmas, all snow and
loveliness! I shall be spending a lot of time with Blue over the holiday, so
might get a few blog posts in there, I know I said it was the end, but I’m
trying to sort out Blue in a different set up after new year, I will explain
fully later on.
So, Blue! Apart from getting fat and hairy for winter he is
doing brill! A lady has been coming up and riding him every week. Both of them
get on well and Blue defo has been worked hard haha.. Shannon has been doing
well as well, she is keeping the weight on for now and is all rugged up and
snug. I brought her in last time I went home, which was….. let me see…. Three
weeks ago :O Didn’t realise how long ago it was. Shannon was tidied up and
fully ‘MOT’d by me when I brought her in. Tangent predicted…. BLUE AND I GOT OVER 3ft without dying! I know,
you don’t believe me haha! In all honesty, I am quite happy about it, I set up
bounces which of course Blue doesn’t understand and failed at those, then put a
cross up and a straight, it was great, got over quite a good height and got a
good flow going! And the tangent hit…. De-escalation….. and it’s over. That
basicly sums up the recent events with the two of them
J, nothing new, just the same
old gorgeous ponies.
So, serious stuff now, well, hardly, as close to serious as
I can get :P Due to circumstances Blue is without a rider, until we arrange
another one, or a solution. Since I am coming home then and will be riding him,
we aren’t looking for someone to take him on yet. I want to wait until New Year
when my dad and I have talked things over and figure out what we want to do,
and hopefully by then I will know where I am placed for semester 2 and have a
better idea of our options. I’m hoping I will be placed near home, and be able
to go home every other week and have someone else do the other weeks, but it
all depends on where I will be etc.
Anyway, hopefully I haven’t bored you to death, just thought
I owed you an update and clarity J
Hopefully new posts soon J
Adios x